Weeks 4 + 5 + 6


02/22 | WEEK 4 – Art of Ancient Nubia | Art of Ancient Greece 

  1. Ancient Nubia Now, How Egyptologists Removed Ancient Egypt from Africa: MFA Boston
  2. Ancient Nubia Now, Nubia, Egypt, and the Concept of Race: MFA Boston
    *YouTube video about Ancient Nubia, HomeTeam History
  3. The British Museum, “Ancient Greece, an introduction,” in Smarthistory
  4. Dr. Renee M. Gondek, “Greek Vase-Painting, an introduction,” in Smarthistory
  5. Marble Statue of a Kouros in 82nd and Fifth, Met Museum
  6. Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris, “Contrapposto,” in Smarthistory
  7. Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker, “Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear-Bearer),” in Smarthistory
  8. Ancient Vase Comes Home to a Hero’s Welcome in NYT (Challenge: Find another article about Cultural Patrimony and/or the Restitution of Ancient Artifacts)
  9. Dr. Jeffrey A. Becker, “Greek architectural orders,” in Smarthistory
  10. The British Museum, “The Parthenon, Athens,” in Smarthistory

*The Pillaging of Cultural Patrimony: Who does Art belong to? Tufts University 
*The Ethics of Cultural Heritage, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

02/29 | WEEK 5 – Art of Ancient Rome 

  1. The British Museum, “Introduction to ancient Rome,” in Smarthistory
  2. Dr. Bernard Frischer and Dr. Steven Zucker, “Ancient Rome,” in Smarthistory
  3. Dr. Jeffrey A. Becker, “Head of a Roman Patrician,” in Smarthistory
  4. Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker, “Veristic male portrait,” in Smarthistory.
  5. Dr. Paul A. Ranogajec, “The Pantheon (Rome),” in Smarthistory

*Empires of Absent Mind: Rome and the USA

03/07 | WEEK 6 – Crosscurrents: Art of the Americas, Art of Africa and Art of Early Asia

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  1. A History of the World in 100 Objects: Olmec Stone Mask (read transcript)
  2. Metropolitan Museum Timeline of Art History: Nok Terracotta
  3. Dr. Arathi Menon, “A brief history of the art of South Asia: Prehistory – c. 500 C.E.,” in Smarthistory
  4. The British Museum, “Jade Cong,” in Smarthistory